Don't Poke Me Dude!

I suggested they keep their seditious questions to their self and not air such incendiary sentiments in public ever again. No I didn't. I kindly informed them of the real deal.
Plussers can be a.......spiteful lot when it comes to suggesting that Google adopt any sort of Facebook like feature. There is a lot of anti-FB feelings over here on the +.
I get it. For the short time and limited scope that I was on FB (200 friends +/-), I hated getting the recommendation that I should "poke" so-and-so because I hadn't interacted with them for awhile.
Uh....I don't want to poke the dude alright? Leave me alone about it!!
I also hated all the stupid game stuff people were always throwing around.
So-and-so gave you three golden coins and wants to give you a....... "Awww, go Jump In A Lake So-and-So!"
So when someone suggests that G+ needs a poke button? I say hellz no!........
But maybe a taser button, that might be cool.
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Also equipped with Wendy's salt packets |
When there is a threat of snow here in the south, people bug out. I mean, really bug the freak out.
They buy bread and milk. No one really knows why da frack they buy bread and milk, they just do.
So today we got word that there is going to be several inches of snow in the next couple days, and some ice on top of it all.
Now I don't mind snow, but ice I hate. Ice is what knocks out the power and without power I have limited internet access. My brain can't function without the fact, the internet is my brain. Or, maybe the internet has ruined my brain. Either way, I hate not having useless stuff (like this post) to peruse and make fun of.
Which is one of the reasons I like G+. But I digress.
The first winter I moved to the south, we had 12" of snow. I knew it was coming but being from the north, and having spent three winters in "The Rock" in Germany (where it snowed in November and stuck around till May) I thought nothing of it.
My brother and I were heading home from work and decided to pick up a 12-pack. The store looked like a flash mob had taken over. Insanity prevailed.
Thankfully everyone had savaged the bread and milk, and there was plenty of beer left. But I could barely understand what the H was going on.
The next day, the snow came. The entire southeast shut down, and I understood. People here panic buy because evidently they have only one or two hours worth of food in their house at any time.
I also found out that first year that there is no such thing as snow removal here. The weather is the removal. If it gets warm enough, the snow will go away. So I suppose snow removal is everyone thinking positive, sunny thoughts. I learned as well, that Cleetus thinks a 4x4 means he can go anywhere. Which was true if "anywhere" meant the ditch on the side of the road.
So tomorrow Snowpocalypse comes again.....maybe. I panic bought this time and probably will do a little more panic buying tomorrow.
There was still plenty of beer on the shelves.
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Set phasers to tickle |
Tickle - Stun - Kill
Why did the phasers on Star Trec only have two settings; stun, and kill? Doesn't that seem odd? Like, shouldn't there be a setting between stun and kill? Or something before stun?!
Maybe you don't really want to stun the creature, maybe you just want to incapacitate them juuuuuust a little. How about a tickle setting. You could tickle some monster just enough to get away. That would be kinder than stunning them.
Or, maybe stunning them isn't enough but killing them is a bit.......overkill?
Say your mother-in-law comments on your job again. Stunning just won't get the message through to her that you're sick and tired of her sarcasm, but killing......well, maybe too much. So you could have the 30 day paralyze setting or something.
Yeah, two settings seems a bit weak in this day and age of options. And isn't Star Trek in the future even? (I'm not a Trekkie) So options should be all over the map.
Could you imagine the uses for say.......foot rub setting?
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