Last November I stopped shaving and didn't start back again.
Isn't there a No Shave November thing? You know, to raise awareness for cancer research and stuff?
Well, there is, but I'm not that hip (if that's still an acceptable adjective) and didn't know jack about that at the time, so my growth had nothing to do with it. That is until someone said, "Doing the No Shave November thing?" while looking at my beard.
I may not have known about NSN, but suddenly my laziness had potential purpose.
"Uh....yes," I said, clueless but willing to improvise. I've always been one to jump on a bandwagon if it happened to roll by.......slowly enough that I wouldn't injure myself.
"So you'll shave it back off in a few days?" she said. It was almost December.
"Hmmm," (I was trying to think why the heck I'd shave the durn thing off "in a few days")
"Maybe, maybe not. Not really sure."
That seemed adequately vague. I really needed get educated, I thought, and find out what the heck "No Shave November" was. Being vague is great and all, but being educated is better.
I was really more into the Paleo excuse for my new found interest in sporting a beard. You see, although raising public awareness for cancer research is a noble and worthy enterprise, my excuse had little to do with money. I really didn't spend a whole heck of a lot of hard earned cash on grooming.
At least not the beard part of things.
I am the guy that Gillette loses money on with their disposable razors. I used to shave twice a week tops, and I think the twin blade razor I have in the basket on my vanity is about five years old. The three pack might take me to retirement age. If it got too damned dull and started deracinating my face, I'd change razors. (deracinate is a great word BTW)
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a smidge but you get the point. Grooming funds from the elimination of my irregular face scraping schedule wouldn't fund much awareness of anything.
Being the moderately honest guy I am, I couldn't go around telling people I was supporting cancer awareness (though you don't need to have an awesome beard to support cancer awareness) when I was only jonesing for the gravitas that comes with fabulous facial fur.
But I digress......
I started this off talking about paleo didn't I? Yeah, something like that. Now I can't remember why. But I do know that I am NOT doing the paleo diet so, maybe some paleo grooming....?
You know, without the bugs, grease, sundry twigs and beggar lice and other junk those paleolithic dudes sported along with the fur.
Now I need some good beard conditioner. Anyone recommend the Wild Man stuff?
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