Thursday, July 9, 2015

Open Letter to Jeb Bush

The following is an email I submitted to the Jeb Bush for President website contact

I figured it would probably never see the light of day but I feel very strongly that we most certainly do NOT need another Bush or Clinton in the White House.  That is why I posted here even though politics are a dangerous topic.

My motto for the 2016 campaign would be   "Almost Anyone But Bush!"

I can't say who I would support but I know about a dozen that I will definitely not support.

Anyway, here is what I wrote in it's unedited entirety.  

Mr. Bush:

Please withdraw from the presidential race.  We The People have had enough of the Bush family, and their political ideology, in the executive branch and in politics in general.

While we certainly acknowledge your right to run for the office of president, it's difficult to see what you bring to the table that is good for the United States.

It's time for fresh perspectives.  More accurately, it’s time for perspectives rooted in the wisdom of those who built this representative republic; perspective that understands the admonishments of those who warned us not get embroiled in the affairs of other nations.  We need right-minded perspectives rather than the same hawkish mentality of projected military force, intervention in the affairs of other nations, outright toppling of legitimate governments, feeding the international corporate beasts and the endless trampling under foot of the Constitution.

Your father embraced globalism and your brother took this country quickly down the path toward becoming literal police state.  They both boosted federally centered statism and corporatism while injuring or destroying the quality of life for millions of people around the world.  Your brother ignored the Constitution and put his “war” against “terrorism” above the fetters of the law.  I am sure that you will exercise more of the same dangerous and destructive policies, having shared much in common with his formative upbringing.

We don't need more of the same, and that’s all you have to offer.  You sir look the same as those who have occupied the White House for the last several decades.  You appear to be a blend of the hawks and the apologists; a man whose principles are given to him by the interests which support you.

But we will NOT support you in your bid for the Republican nomination, and if you are successful in achieving that goal, we will certainly oppose you in the general election.

We will not stop speaking out against the same, tired foreign policy that has engendered such misery around the world.

We will not stop opposing the erosion and outright attacks against the Constitution in this nation.

We will not cease from shining the light on the lack of border security and the inherent risks such dereliction of duty brings to our nation.

We will continue to protest against overbearing, bureaucratic controls imposed against our will; squelching industry and destroying industry and the middle class.

We will not turn a blind eye, or deaf ear, to the gross violations of constitutionally guaranteed rights of the citizens of these great states.

You may be legally entitled, but you sir are not fit to hold the office of President of the United States, and we ask that you humbly acknowledge that and remove yourself from consideration.

Timothy Gaunt

One of The People

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